Автор карты: Timmy Жанр: Defense / Survival, Hero Arena, Shooting/FPS Версия: 1.80 Язык: Английский Кол-во игроков: до 10 Поддержка компьютера: да Размер: 192x192 Ландшафт: Dalaran Очень
неплохая, интересная карта максимум для десяти игроков, с обновлениями
от 30.05.2009 года. Попробуйте поиграть с друзьями, думаю вам
понравится. === Background ===
First, there was CS WC3 TFT. Now, there is WC3 TFT CS! Some elements of
this map were inspired by the gameplay of CS (and other modern FPSers)
and some of the weapons will also be familiar to CS players. === Introduction ===
The Scourge are preparing to invade Fenris Isle in Lordamere Lake and
in response, the Alliance and the Horde have sent their best marines
with armoured and air support to battle for control of the island. - The game will only start after Player 1 or 6 sets the game mode (type .gm) - New players can type .hints to toggle hints on and .keys to see the controls - The top-left inventory slot is the weapon you will fire - Use arrow keys to move - Right-click in Fire Mode to aim/shoot/reload - Use Mouse Look mode to navigate with strafing units - Check F9 in-game for extra help === Game Modes === - There are 4 game modes: Incoming, Search And Rescue (SAR), Team Deathmatch (TDM) and Defusal (DE) - Incoming mode: Like an FPS version of a TD - SAR: The goal is to rescue villagers amidst many spawned Scourge creeps - TDM: Self-descriptive... - DE: The well-known CS game mode implemented into the WC3 universe! === Author's Notes === - This map is PROTECTED - System requirements are above average if you want to have an optimal experience - The control scheme is admittedly complex, but you'll get the hang of it eventually - There is limited AI support - Credits are under Game Info (F9) === Changelog === V1.80 -Minor bug fixes -Minor balance fixes -Introduced race/class system for marines -New Medic class -Removed FAMAS and Jackhammer weapons -Revamped elements -You lose items upon death in any game mode -New Ankh of Reinstatement item -New .sd, .tm and single player commands -Modified .si command -All shots have a chance to be a critical shot -You respawn invulnerable in all game modes -Movement can affect your accuracy -Changed AH-64 icon -Re-wrote the weapon tooltips -Made minor changes to the Strip map -Adjusted the AI for new changes |